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whilst you're still here, you may want to check here below 👇🏼 our

Why managing your time is not enough to be productive as a scientist (and how to solve it!)
Learn how to plan your research, so you can focus and get things done with confidence! (without sacrificing your time and energy: basically, designing the scientific life that works for you!)
Proudly trusted by scholars at

and many more!
You love being a scientist or an academic.
But you are just too busy...you want to learn a different way of working so you can make an impact with your research, and still enjoy your free time, without guilt and feeling exhausted.
(and you're committed to taking action!)
You may have tried to plan your day and fitting in your planner those urgent things from your to-do list. Write that paper, finish a grant proposal for your next project, meeting with colleagues and students, teaching...
That list keeps growing and by the end of the week, you don't even remember what you've finished.
That's because managing your time is not enough. Because other factors define how you, as the unique person and scientist you are, can be most productive. And they may be different from your boss or your colleagues!
This FREE masterclass will teach you the building blocks of the productivity system you need to get things done, without making you feel like you’re “pushing too hard” or worse, doubting yourself constantly – so you can focus on doing research and enjoying your free time without feeling guilty!
After this masterclass you'll leave with:
The building blocks of a more human productivity system you need to have in place to focus and get things done
The ONE mindset shift that will move you from doubting about yourself, to confidently keep advancing and finishing those things that matter to you
A boost of motivation to focus and do your cool research, while still enjoying your free time without feeling guilty!
What other attendants have said from this and other “I focus and write” masterclasses

For those who don't know me...
Hi, I’m Ana Pineda, PhD and I help academics like you to focus and write. I've taken everything I've learned from more than 15 years of doing research, and helped more than 100 scientists with their writing and productivity so they can feel confident with their work. Through my courses, writing retreats, and free materials like this, we follow a mindful approach to get things done. But the things that matter to you!
I am also a scientist with more than 15 years of experience in Spain (Alicante) and in The Netherlands (Wageningen). I am a Biologist crazy about insects, microbes, plants, and ecology (who is not?). Ah! and also a yoga teacher. My mission? To make this world better by helping scientists to have a more productive, more creative, and happier research life.

For who is this FREE masterclass?
This masterclass is designed for you, if you are a scientist or an academic and can at least answer yes to one of these things:
You work too much, and still, your massive to-do list that just gets longer every day
You want a more human productivity. Not just the "do more" type
You feel guilty ALL the time: for working too much and for not working enough
You wonder whether you are actually good enough to do this work
Any "yes"? Then you’re in the right place!